Distribution Planning

Our advisors at Quanta Technology can provide your organization with a wide range of solutions centered around the dynamic field of distribution planning. Our team combines industry-leading technical expertise and business acumen enabling us to provide solutions that are not only technically robust but also practical to implement. Our approach is to create and leverage best-in-class software tools and processes to support our clients and long-term partners in solving the toughest challenges facing the industry today. 

  • Distribution systems planning is a vital activity for the successful modernization of the grid. Modern distribution planning is expected to become an even more complex activity, largely due to the need to integrate DER and new technologies. Grid Performance Planning is the foundation of a modern distribution plan, and it combines forecasts of both loads and DER, including weather normalization, transformer loading, feeder loading, urban re-development, regression models, and spatial land-use models. Quanta Technology has assembled a team of leading experts from the utility industry and developed state-of-the-art tools to deliver a rigorous and comprehensive approach to address modern distribution planning system challenges.
  • Quanta Technology performs hosting capacity studies to determine the ability of a utility to accommodate and integrate future distributed energy resources (DER) on its grid. The results of these studies are used to develop hosting capacity maps for the utility’s service territory and its distribution feeders. In general, hosting capacity analysis considers the effect of DER proliferation, specifically photovoltaic distributed generation, on thermal limits and voltages of distribution feeders. We also have experience with hosting capacity studies that consider additional variables in developing hosting capacity maps; these variables may be incorporated progressively into the calculation process to increase result accuracy and comprehensiveness. Quanta Technology also supports our client partners with creating general guidelines that identify areas of the distribution system that are more vulnerable to the potential effects of DER adoption based on further analysis of capacity maps. We can also support updates to hosting capacity maps, periodically and automatically, to account for actual changes in DER penetration levels (driven by new interconnection requests), changes in system configuration, customer load growth, etc.
  • Load forecasting is now part of grid performance planning which is the foundation of a distribution plan. Without a good load forecast, it is likely that unnecessary projects will be funded and needed projects will go unfunded. Our experts have experience in all aspects of load and DER forecasting, including weather normalization, transformer loading, feeder loading, urban redevelopment, regression models, and spatial land-use models. We have helped many utilities in the U.S. and around the world refine forecasts, develop forecasts, and institute improved load forecasting and grid performance.
  • Quanta Technology understands the challenges of operating a safe and reliable electric grid, and realizes that due to the proliferation of distributed energy resources, such as solar PV and battery energy storage there may be unintended consequences resulting from the time-varying impacts of these technologies. Using our experience and expertise in this area, we can analyze the grid using computational models to look at steady and transient impacts from all the devices connected to the grid. This includes protection analysis that looks closely at frequency and voltage ride through, assessing the impact of islanding conditions on protection systems and DG operation, evaluating the severity of Temporary Over Voltages (TOV), and studying how sudden connection / disconnection of DG plants affect T&D system operation and protection systems.

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