Webinar: Eyes of the Grid: DERMS and Grid-Edge Resources
“Proliferation of Renewables and Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and FERC order 2222 are strongly driving business cases for DERMS deployments. This webinar presents a crosscut of the DERMS deployment and integration challenges following experience and lessons learned from recent DERMS implementation projects. The presenters discuss these issues by way of three utility implementations: • DERMS deployed in a specific region to address issues with several Front of Meter DERs to mitigate impact on a substation, • An enterprise-level DERMS scaled across the entire utility service territory, selected subsequent to performing multiple pilot projects, • DERMS as Aggregator of Aggregators with a primary focus on managing several third-party resources and aggregators. Key discussion points are: • Functional specifications based on unique system characteristics, • Compatibility with a given utility IT/OT environment, • Alignment with existing or planned advancement of distribution management systems (DMS).” Quanta Technology Panelist: Farid Katiraei, Chad Abbey, Shadi Chuangpishit Entergy Panelist: Samrat Datta Registration Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8326567885391867918