6th Annual Recloser & Distribution Automation Workshop
Our Keynote Speaker is Dr. Shay Bahramirad, Vice President, Climate & Resilience at Quanta Technology. Globally recognized as an industry leader that is passionate in defining the next horizon of the electric utility industry – as evidenced by media mentions in industry, business, and mainstream channels; primary author of white papers; speaker at industry conferences; and holder of 4 U.S. patents. Passionate about mitigating climate change and driving social equity. Shay was most recently Vice President, Engineering and Smart Grid at ComEd in Chicago. With all of the changes happening in our industry, this is a Keynote Address you won’t want to miss! This event is truly unique in our industry because it brings together all of the leading manufacturers for reclosers and recloser controls along with the “who’s who” from utilities to share their experiences and knowledge in reclosers, testing, and distribution automation. NETA CTDs: Attend this seminar and have the opportunity to earn 6.5 NETA CTDs (Continuing Technical Development Credits). www.omicronenergy.com/recloser