Webinar: Utility Business Intelligence through Data Analytics
Modern utility data warehouses hold the potential for significantly changing the way the utility business is run. Continued deployment of advanced sensors, AMI, automated controllers, monitoring from grid-edge devices (DER, EV, DR) and high bandwidth communication infrastructure means data is available across broad areas of the utility business. When combined with back office databases such as CIS, GIS, relay and automation settings warehouses, planning tools, and access to external data repositories, this presents the utility with a varied and rich set of sources for building advanced applications that leverage the full power of advanced data analytics and machine learnings tools. When combined with customized HMIs, these applications can deliver not only greater insights but can drive significant value through business intelligence and process efficiency improvements. This webinar describes the opportunity and provides an overview of the process of building Data Analytics applications that deliver value to Utilities. The speakers will illustrate various elements of this process using recent projects and publicly available data, highlighting how Data Analytics is changing the utility planning and operations business. Please join us for the experience. Registration Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3546061748672431885 Blog Post: Advanced Data Analytics for the Modern Power System Offerings Page
Webinar: PMU Applications – Solutions for Evolving T&D Grids.
Synchronized measurement concepts were first presented as synchrophasors from Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) in 1983. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) provided funding that accelerated PMU deployment projects across the United States. Synchronized measurement is a key technology in addressing new operational challenges for the transmission and distribution grids fast moving towards a carbon-neutral future. This webinar will present a brief overview of synchronized measurement technology with a focus on new applications and infrastructure, system design, and data management. Given the complexity in deploying a production synchronized measurement system for real-time monitoring, protection and control, the importance of developing a roadmap for such deployments will be discussed.
Webinar: Advanced Inverter Functions & Applications for Grid Support and Reliability
This webinar will primarily focus on describing the advanced grid supporting functions and applications of Smart Inverters in the context of distributed energy resources (DER) integration into the electric grid. Supported by international and regional standards (IEEE 1547-2018, Rule 21, etc.), the use of smart inverter functions are either mandated or utilities have started exploring the benefits of activating certain functions. However, there are also concerns with potential adverse impacts on the control and protection of the grid. The following concepts, engineering of the functions, and applications will be discussed: – Use of DER for grid support and services (non-wires alternatives) – Smart inverter functions and concepts supported by standards: – Controls and protections – Autonomous or communication based (remote control) functions – Mitigating of the adverse impact of DER on the grid quality and integrity – Key applications, use cases, and examples – Settings and engineering of functions (industry practices) – Testing and evaluation of the functions Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/686914800902695438