• Webinar: Utility Business Intelligence through Data Analytics

    Modern utility data warehouses hold the potential for significantly changing the way the utility business is run. Continued deployment of advanced sensors, AMI, automated controllers, monitoring from grid-edge devices (DER, EV, DR) and high bandwidth communication infrastructure means data is available across broad areas of the utility business. When combined with back office databases such as CIS, GIS, relay and automation settings warehouses, planning tools, and access to external data repositories, this presents the utility with a varied and rich set of sources for building advanced applications that leverage the full power of advanced data analytics and machine learnings tools. When combined with customized HMIs, these applications can deliver not only greater insights but can drive significant value through business intelligence and process efficiency improvements. This webinar describes the opportunity and provides an overview of the process of building Data Analytics applications that deliver value to Utilities. The speakers will illustrate various elements of this process using recent projects and publicly available data, highlighting how Data Analytics is changing the utility planning and operations business. Please join us for the experience. Registration Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3546061748672431885     Blog Post: Advanced Data Analytics for the Modern Power System Offerings Page