Grid Planning

The planning of transmission grids faces increasing reliability and security challenges.  Forecasts on electrical load growth and deployment of new generation assets are the main drivers for ISO and RTO grid planning evaluations.  Quanta Technology has the necessary software tools and experiences to perform detail electrical load forecasting on the overall footprint or on a target load center or area.  Quanta Technology also has the expertise to perform detailed transmission analyses which meet the needs of the ISO/RTO with services ranging from short term and long-term master planning to detailed technical studies such as validating models.  Quanta Technology possesses the knowledge to include inputs and assumptions that are practically acceptable and defendable with an objective of reducing planning risks involved in the determination of proper grid expansion and/or deployment of specific devices. 

Reliability, Market Efficiency, and Renewable Integration

Renewable Interconnections, Performance Assessment, capacity Expansion, FERC 1000, Integrated Resource Planning, Modeling and Control Tuning, Probabilistic T&D Planning

The planning of transmission grids is increasingly challenged due to proliferation of distributed energy resources and the need to find economic solutions to integrate large renewable plants without excessive permitting and approval cycles.  

Quanta Technology serves the transmission analysis needs of electric utilities and developers.  These range from siting analysis and interconnection studies for renewable developers to long range master planning and integrated resource planning (IRP) to support a future renewable target.

Quanta has the expertise necessary to design, manage, and run a variety of traditional planning tasks and studies including power-flow development and solution, contingency analysis, short circuit analysis, load forecasts, voltage stability analysis, transient stability analysis, SSR analysis, EMF Interference studies and other related studies. Our methods, processes and procedures and designed to be consistent with the planning principles identified by FERC in Orders 890 and 1000. Our services include needs assessment, project alternative assessment, long range master planning, project justification, stakeholder management, due diligence review, system impact level studies, capital budgeting, and other related services.


Service Offerings

Interconnection Studies

  • Siting Analysis to determine available FCITC at a specific POI, or throughout a State or region.
  • Interconnection studies and application.
  • Critical review of transmission plans in a region.
  • Steady State and Dynamic (PSSE and PSLF) and transient (PSCAD) model development.
  • feasibility assessment, system impacts studies and facilities studies
  • Upgrade & Construction Cost Estimates
  • Congestion and Curtailment Studies
  • Protection Schemes

Competitive Transmission Analysis and Planning

  • Validate system need assessment.
  • Identify potential transmission system enhancements to address the transmission needs in the various regions. 
  • Estimation of benefits of transmission system projects through production cost analysis as well as estimate the costs and expenses to calculate the benefit/cost ratio of the project. 
  • Develop the submittal form(s) for project developers to provide sufficient documentation of those necessary and essential costs and expenses for projects to be submitted to the RTOs/ISOs.
  • Quanta Technology along with other Quanta Services companies provide an independent review to help validate proposed estimates and cost containment strategy.
  • Project development support studies.

Why Quanta Technology?

Quanta Technology is a trusted transmission consultant with deep regional knowledge of the planning and operational practices and challenges.  

Robust Solutions

Quanta use the applicable industry leading software tools that are adopted by each region.  In addition, Quanta built powerful productivity tools to help process and design optimal solutions efficiently.  These include siting tools, N+1 expansion analysis, pre and post processers.
