The planning of transmission grids faces increasing challenges due to factors such as the proliferation of distributed energy resources (DER) and the need to find economical solutions to reliably integrate large renewable plants. Quanta Technology serves the transmission analysis needs of electric utilities with services ranging from long-range master planning to detailed technical studies such as validating models. We frequently use customized software and routines to complement standard transmission planning tools such as PSS/E and PSLF.
Quanta Technology uses a variety of economic planning tools (e.g., GridView, PROMOD, GE-Maps) to perform market power simulations to evaluate and justify transmission and generation expansion projects, asset valuation of existing and new transmission and generation assets, plant siting, and power transaction valuation. We have developed proprietary software tools to efficiently analyze the shifting economics of generation technologies and fuels, the intermittency of renewable resources, and the behavior and effects of energy storage, all of which have a profound impact on.
The Quanta Technology approach to FACTS is to consider the entire lifecycle of the system, starting with initial planning-level studies. Our services for transmission planning for FACTS devices encompass not only the conceptual studies for power flow, reactive and voltage performance, and rating studies but also optimization during the operational life from a planning perspective as system needs evolve. Our team of experts can address a complete range of experiences and perspectives related to FACTS, including utility transmission planning and asset optimization throughout its service life.
The planning of transmission grids faces increasing challenges due to factors such as the proliferation of distributed energy resources (DER) and the need to find economic solutions to reliably integrate large renewable plants. Quanta Technology serves the transmission analysis needs of electric utilities with services ranging from long range master planning to detailed technical studies such as validating models. We frequently utilize customize software and routines to complement standard transmission planning tools such as PSS/E and PSLF.
Digital model representation of the transmission system has become a powerful tool in enabling advanced planning, studies, and compliance evaluation efforts. The development, validation, and maintenance of these software models has historically proved challenging to transmission entities, particularly with respect to ensuring model accuracy, integrity, and completeness. Quanta Technology has worked in partnership with large utilities through all aspects of digital model representation, covering conception and specification, data gathering and parameter calculation, and implementation and validation of model across a variety of industry-standard software platforms (including both CAPE and ASPEN OneLiner). To support the long-term governance of the model asset, we offer maintenance services and best-practice expertise to ensure data accuracy and integrity.
Quanta Technology works with transmission planners on a range of services related to the integration of renewable generation. Our capabilities range from wide area system impact of high penetration of low or zero inertia generation to developing and validating detailed models of renewable machines and inverters. We can also provide support in performing system impact load flow and other interconnection studies.
Quanta Technology has developed a best-in-class software tool, ESPT-T, for evaluating storage and other non-wires alternatives (NWA) yielding a techno-economic evaluation of alternatives to economic or reliability transmission constraints. Our tool combines standard transmission planning software such as PSLF or PSS/E and economic dispatch models such as Promod or Gridview to provide a thorough and rigorous 8760 comparison of wire and non-wire alternatives. The tool has a great deal of flexibility and can also assess value stacking of multiple revenue streams in different scenarios such as current and future market services that relate to a given NWA.