Conference Posters, Presentations & Webinars

This area includes a select list of poster and presentation material given by Quanta Technology at industry conferences.  Presentations from the Quanta Technology webinar series are also located in this section.  Material may be subject to copyright.   

Date Title Forum Summary Download
2020-04-02April 2, 2020 PRC-027-1: How Ready Is Your Team? Quanta Technology Knowledge Sharing Webinar This presentation highlights the various approaches considered by North American utilities to comply with the PRC-027-1 requirements. Aspects of these requirements include: - Process and data management - Framework workflow for the obtaining and comparison of fault currents - Execution and review of coordination studies - Processing Data for Compliance Reports Download
2020-04-09April 9, 2020 Resiliency of Electric Power Systems Quanta Technology Knowledge Sharing Webinar Resiliency of Electric Power Systems, explores emerging trends and challenges, including the COVID-19 health crisis. Key components and related concepts of power system resiliency, such as weather hardening, physical and cybersecurity, aging infrastructure, and reliability, with a focus on distribution systems, are discussed. Download
2020-04-16April 16, 2020 Value of DER, Session #1 Quanta Technology Knowledge Sharing Webinar This presentation covers a framework for evaluating Distributed Energy Resources’ (DERs) as potential solutions (Non-Wires Alternatives) for T&D networks to adapt to under-capacity, reliability, and voltage issues. It is an overview of an engineering-economics framework that quantifies the locational and hourly values of DERs in providing capacity and reliability services to the T&D grid. This approach uniquely can value both real and reactive power with granularity to feeder circuit nodes. The methodology closes the loop with a benefit-cost analysis that would reveal whether the DER is a financially viable solution in lieu of traditional grid upgrades. Further, the framework can be seamlessly integrated into the conventional utility planning practice evaluating DER on a comparable basis against traditional wires solutions. Download
2020-04-23April 23, 2020 State of the Art on 100% Renewable Systems Quanta Technology Knowledge Sharing Webinar Several utilities across the US have announced commitments toward being 100% carbon-free or renewable energy standards, but what does 100% really mean? This session explores these concepts while discussing challenges and opportunities along the trajectory. The suite of study tools, enabling technologies, and their corresponding level of adoption is explored along with the impact of the ensuing roadmap on policy, affordability, T&D grids, and markets. Download
2020-04-30April 30, 2020 DERMS versus Microgrid Controls - Battle of Business and Operation Quanta Technology Knowledge Sharing Webinar In recent years, rapid proliferation and interest in implementing programs associated with Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and Demand-Side Management (DSM) have transformed electric utilities, business models. The new environment provides greater opportunities for customer engagement in various utility programs with a focus on efficiency, resource adequacy, and/or reliability enhancement. As a result, new operational technology - DER Management Systems (DERMS) - has emerged that proposes to harmonize services, define common interfaces, and control and aggregate resources. However, industry stakeholders often conflate DERMS and Microgrid Controls, even though the ultimate applications and functions are somewhat different. This presentation defines key concepts and present practical architecture options for DERMS and Microgrids to highlight business and operational challenges that each platform addressed. Examples from utility pilot projects and field demonstrations are used to clarify the specific use cases and distinctive features with a focus on new utility business models versus reliability and resiliency applications. Download
2020-05-07May 7, 2020 A Practical Approach to T&D Asset Management Webinar Series Slide Deck The utility industry is driving towards resilient grids with increasing penetration of DERs and renewables while also continuing to modernize aging asset fleets. T&D organizations are tasked with balancing these priorities and developing financially prudent plans that address customer and key stakeholder interests. This webinar provides a brief overview of the Asset Management process, highlighting key trends across the industry, and share some practical approaches as the T&D industry evolves. Download
2020-05-14May 14, 2020 Utility Support of Transportation Electrification: Integrating Business & Supply Chains into Electrification Strategies Quanta Technology Knowledge Sharing Webinar Today, utilities are taking the right steps to support light-duty vehicle adoption. Working to expand charger deployments, extending access to customer classes, and trying to lower adoption hurdles. However, businesses have different motivations and as electrification integrates into their delivery fleets, buildings, and supply chains, utilities need to be prepared for implications beyond those posed by light-duty vehicle charging. This presentation describes how utilities can prepare by assessing the grid impact of transportation electrification and anticipating how key businesses will adopt electrification into their future operations. Download
2020-05-21May 21, 2020 Value of DER Session #2 Quanta Technology Knowledge Sharing Webinar This webinar introduces a live demo of our proprietary Value of DER toolset, featuring additional and more complicated examples of DER contributions to grid violations. The demo is complemented by an in-depth technical exposition of the mathematics behind our methodology for DER valuation, including our portfolio optimization engine. Download
2020-05-28May 28, 2020 Grid Modernization for Public Power and Co-Ops, Creating a Roadmap for Investments Quanta Technology Knowledge Sharing Webinar Grid modernization programs are increasingly adopted by smaller municipal utilities and electric co-ops. The drivers for public power utilities and co-ops include several technical and societal drivers such as increasing dependence on the digital economy, renewables, electric vehicles, evolving weather patterns, and increased residential demand due to the recent pandemic. Quanta Technology has assisted our clients in this area to secure consensus at the stakeholder level to secure funding for the implementation of key infrastructure improvements. A key element of our process is the development of a Grid Modernization Roadmap which is a strategic plan to enhance grid planning, operations, and engineering activities. This presentation focuses on the process of building and implementing a grid modernization road-map based on the local vision, engaging with stakeholders, and prioritizing key infrastructure investment plans. Smart meters (AMI) are often the key component of a grid modernization program and are presented. Download
2020-06-04June 4, 2020 Energy Storage Best Practices: Planning and Design Quanta Technology Knowledge Sharing Webinar This webinar covers applications, siting, sizing, cost-benefit, and validation. Download
2020-06-11June 11, 2020 Cost/Benefit of IEC 61850 Quanta Technology Knowledge Sharing Webinar Adoption of IEC 61850 based protection and control (P&C) among North American utilities has been limited to a few users, but is now gaining wider attention. Major obstacles to utilizing the new standard include understanding what the standard encompasses as well as a detailed cost-benefit analysis. The following topics are discussed: • Overview of IEC 61850 standard. • Insight into the cost-benefit analysis of implementing IEC 61850. • Highlight the impacts throughout the utility in adopting the new standard. Download
2020-06-18June 18, 2020 Energy Storage Best Practices: Engineering and Deployment Quanta Technology Knowledge Sharing Webinar This presentation covers the following topics: • Engineering • Testing • Commissioning • Operational Safety Download
2020-07-16July 16, 2020 Modern Distribution Reliability Analysis Quanta Technology Knowledge Sharing Webinar This presentation covers the following topics: -techniques for reliability modeling and analysis of modern distribution systems using computational tools -benefit-cost analyses and evaluation of traditional and intelligent solutions for cost-effective reliability improvement -emerging distribution reliability indices (e.g., customer-level reliability evaluation) -applications, strategy, and development of distribution reliability improvement roadmaps within the context of grid modernization. Download
2020-08-20August 20, 2020 Smart Meters and Grid Modernization: A Guide to A Successful AMI Implementation Quanta Technology Knowledge Sharing Webinar This presentation discusses the following: - Current AMI technologies - AMI’s role in Grid Modernization, - Approaches to customer engagement - Implementation best practices including - Specifications for RFPs, - AMI Deployment - AMI Integration - AMI data analysis to support key utility programs such as reliability Aspects of electric, water, and gas components of an AMI system will also be discussed. Download
2020-09-17September 17, 2020 Advanced Inverter Functions & Applications for Grid Support and Reliability Quanta Technology Knowledge Sharing Webinar This presentation focuses on describing the advanced grid supporting functions and applications of Smart Inverters in the context of distributed energy resources (DER) integration into the electric grid. Supported by international and regional standards (IEEE 1547-2018, Rule 21, etc.), the use of smart inverter functions are either mandated or utilities have started exploring the benefits of activating certain functions. However, there are also concerns with potential adverse impacts on the control and protection of the grid. The following concepts, engineering of the functions, and applications will be discussed: - Use of DER for grid support and services (non-wires alternatives) - Smart inverter functions and concepts supported by standards: - Controls and protections - Autonomous or communication based (remote control) functions - Mitigating of the adverse impact of DER on the grid quality and integrity - Key applications, use cases, and examples - Settings and engineering of functions (industry practices) - Testing and evaluation of the functions Download
2020-10-15October 15, 2020 PMU Applications – Solutions for Evolving T&D Grids. Quanta Technology Knowledge Sharing Webinar Synchronized measurement concepts were first presented as synchrophasors from Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) in 1983. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) provided funding that accelerated PMU deployment projects across the United States. Synchronized measurement is a key technology in addressing new operational challenges for the transmission and distribution grids fast moving towards a carbon-neutral future. This webinar will present a brief overview of synchronized measurement technology with a focus on new applications and infrastructure, system design, and data management. Given the complexity in deploying a production synchronized measurement system for real-time monitoring, protection and control, the importance of developing a roadmap for such deployments will be discussed. Download
2019 System-Wide Modeling and Simulation of Detailed Tele-Protection Schemes Including Transfer Trips Presentation at CAPE UGM Presenter- Ishwarjot Anand
2019 PSS CAPE Macro Approach for PRC-026 Compliance Evaluation for Complex Multi-Terminal Lines Presentation at CAPE UGM Presenter- Tim Chang
2020 Integrated Process for Automated Modeling of Protection in CAPE Presentation at CAPE UGM Presenter- Tim Chang
2020 CAPE Model Maintenance Approach by Utilizing Company-wide Data Sources Presentation at CAPE UGM Presenter- Ishwarjot Anand
2019 Automated Distribution Protection Coordination and Settings Evaluation CPS Symposium Presenter- Mehrdad Chapariha
2021-05-24May 24, 2021 Resource Adequacy Discussion Organization of MISO States (OMS) The OMS is an organization established to represent the collective interests of state and local utility regulators in the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) region and facilitate informed and efficient participation in related issues. This presentation provides insight on system planning to ensure resource adequacy with increasing levels of variable/renewable generation. Download
February 18, 2021 Coordinated Resource T&D Planning and Operation Towards Investment Prioritization Quanta Technology Knowledge Sharing Webinar Well established planning and operational processes in the electricity industry are often siloed and are being challenged in the face of significant technology migration and ambitious decarbonization and resilience policies to mitigate climate change challenges. Integrated resource planning (IRP) , T&D planning, grid modernization, and risk mitigation require coordination and cross optimization to achieve the prevailing policies. Increasingly, investments are interchangeable and/or interdependent across the electricity value chain. A case in point is system resilience being addressed by investments in T&D assets and by customer-sited microgrids. Investment planning that optimizes across policy objectives will require closer coordination across planning and operational processes.
April 22, 2021 Eyes of the Grid: DERMS and Grid-Edge Resources Quanta Technology Knowledge Sharing Webinar Proliferation of Renewables and Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and FERC order 2222 are strongly driving business cases for DERMS deployments. This webinar presents a crosscut of the DERMS deployment and integration challenges following experience and lessons learned from recent DERMS implementation projects.
May 20, 2021 Practical Implementation of Engineering Automation for Protection and Control Quanta Technology Knowledge Sharing Webinar Utilities have increasingly turned to the digital transformation of processes and data to address the challenges brought on by emerging new technologies, increased regulatory requirements, and an aging workforce, and to optimize the efficiency and capabilities of their engineering departments. This webinar presents the innovative engineering automation program undertaken by a major west coast utility’s Protection and Control department to integrate software-based automation techniques for system-wide analysis, reporting, compliance, and safety applications. This discussion will include considerations for holistic data management, technical requirements, and strategies for transitioning the engineering team to the utilization of automation-based processes. The real-world experience of employing these automation, integration, and data management solutions at San Diego Gas & Electric provides one potential implementation for the successful digital transformation of data and processes to assist protection engineers in meeting the challenges of the modern power systems industry.
2021-07-21July, 2021 Coordinated GT&D Planning and Investment Prioritization- An Introduction to our Industry Needs IEEE PES General Meeting, July 2021 1. Introduction to Generation, Transmission, and Distribution Planning 2. Sample Areas of Coordination and Convergence 3. Coordinated GT&D Planning and Investment Prioritization Download
2021-07-27July, 27, 2021 Key Success Factors for Green, Resilient, and Affordable Electrical Energy Delivery IEEE PES General Meeting 2021 Grid Resilience Super Session Download
2022-06-106/10/2022 Optimal Distribution of Power Grid Under-Frequency Load Shedding With Security Considerations Author: Farhad Elyasichamazkoti This letter develops a mathematical model to distribute the under-frequency load shedding amount across the power system load points. The objective is to preserve the system operating point at post-contingency and after the load shedding as close as possible to that of pre-contingency. To do so, the total absolute change in line flows is sought to be minimized. Hence, the system security constraints satisfied before contingency occurrence are less vulnerable to violation. It is proven that when the number of credible contingencies exceeds load shedding candidates, an even distribution across the load points is optimal. Download